RELATIONSHIP: The Idea of Living Together, Forever

💓Three Pillars of a Relationship💓

Everyone wants to be with someone, we all dreams of that one person whom we admire the most. We give our one hundred percent to keep the one person attached to us. But, some relationships end within a very short time period, because we fail to recognize the most crucial aspects of any relation on which it stands.

First one is, Trust. It is the foundation of any relationship weather its romantic, professional or ,even friendship. It is that seed which grows into the tree called relationship. Imagine what will happen to a building if we take out its foundation, it will collapse definitely, that same thing happens to that bond of togetherness, if trust goes away from it. So, it is very important of both the partners to to have faith in each other and sort out all the issue if any. 
Now, the question is how to build that trust between each other?. Well, the answer is very simple, Communication. Yes, communication is the key. Ask them, how was their day, tell them about your day, share some of the things that happened to you, text them regularly. Communicating with each other solve half of the problems, and together both of you can conquer any battle. Building trust consistently, will keep your bond alive.

Moving forward to the next element, think about that tree again. How important, sunlight and water for that tree?. Its crucial right?. that same importance respect has in a relationship. You might be able to grow that tree, but nurturing it also very important. Giving respect to each will help you to grow together, as the idea is to live together, forever. 
Respect doesn't mean that you have to agree with everything, no. It simply is to understand and accept all the flaws and strengths that your partner have. Just let them be real, open & vulnerable, treat them better, help them to follow their passion, understand their opinion, standby them no matter what. In one word understand each other and tell them that, they are right in their own way. Understanding each other is respect in true sense.

Last but not the least, Love which is the essence of a relationship. Both the partners in a committed relationship need attention and care from each other.Although, love is very complicated, but it become easy when start to express it. It is that expression of care and affection which result in belongingness.  Love is never dependent on gifts and materialistic things, it relies on small expressions and on those little things which you do for your significant other. 
Maybe a good morning text, a sweet message, unexpected dates, or even a rose can do the trick. But most important is your valuable time. The right person will always ask for your time, not for things.

Love and Trust grows deeper with the passage of time and respect helps in building that. By making these pillars stronger the idea will turn into a lasting reality, of forever.


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