
STOP Choosing Chaos!

Have you ever wondered why? Life is miserable. People always break your heart. You always get used by others and, You are the one who is left alone in the end. If you have felt that all these things happen to you and are looking for a “why?” It is because you chose chaos for yourself. Yes, you heard it right you chose it for yourself.  Now think it through, that one person whom you loved more than anything, who broke your heart and has left you alone.  You knew that person was toxic, but you chose to stay. They have used you or abused you, but you chose to stay. They have given you clear hints that they will leave you, but you chose to stay. They made it clear that you are just a friend, but you chose to stay. They never loved you but you chose to stay. They broke your heart but you chose to stay. You chose chaos for yourself. You keep on complaining about why life is so hard. Why life is tough. Why did this happen to you only? Why life doesn’t make sense? In reality, life is what you

HEARTBREAK: Way to Unleash Inner Power

Moving On: But, How to?? We live in a world where Bollywood has conditioned our minds with happy endings. But, it never answered, what after that happily ever after?  See, life is not easy and so are relationships. When two people decide to be together and promise to stay, through thick and thin. Then, they both became a priority for each other and often try to do those things, which make the other person happy. Being in a relationship we start to live for the other person.  But, when life gives the reality check and that bubble of good things burst out. It seems like a nightmare that has become true. All those promises have no meaning, those life moments have become a memory and eventually, we realize that we have invested our time, emotions, love and whatnot, in something whose balance is zero. At that point in time, we feel devastated, because we have planned all our life around that one person only and everything has come to an end now.  “We all say that the the mos

RELATIONSHIP: The Idea of Living Together, Forever

đź’“Three Pillars of a Relationshipđź’“ Everyone wants to be with someone, we all dreams of that one person whom we admire the most. We give our one hundred percent to keep the one person attached to us. But, some relationships end within a very short time period, because we fail to recognize the most crucial aspects of any relation on which it stands. First one is, Trust . It is the foundation of any relationship weather its romantic, professional or ,even friendship. It is that seed which grows into the tree called relationship. Imagine what will happen to a building if we take out its foundation, it will collapse definitely, that same thing happens to that bond of togetherness, if trust goes away from it. So, it is very important of both the partners to to have faith in each other and sort out all the issue if any.  Now, the question is how to build that trust between each other?. Well, the answer is very simple, Communication. Yes, communication is the key. Ask the
About us We all say that Life is Hard, but is it really so? or we are not hard enough to understand what life is about to teach us. The purpose of creating this blog is to inspire the readers and to make them believe that, what so ever is happening in your life, learn a lesson from it and bring out the best in you. Here, I will try to cover all the aspects that will help you to go one step up in the hierarchy of life.